IPC Carmel Abu Dhabi
We are committed to His Word, submitted to and trusting His Headship, following in His footsteps and calling His people to join us in the work he has ordained for us to do. Come, be your part in His Kingdom for His glory. The Pastoral Leadership believes in a Holy Spirit Sensitive and Ministering Service unto the LORD AND unto His people. One can sense the richness of His presence as the WORSHIP session starts. Healings and times of Intercession are always a specialty of the IPC CARMEL worship services. Many have walked in with unbearable physical and emotional pain and have walked out liberated by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Church Updates
Meet Our Team

ASSOCIATE PASTORMob: +9710505351901
Church Programs
Day |
Place |
Hall |
Time |
Friday | BCC | G2 | 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Sunday | BCC | G4 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon |
4th Sunday | BCC | G4 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon |
Monthly | ||
3 Day Fasting Prayer | English Worship | Ladies Meeting |
Cottage Meeting | P.Y.P.A | Kids Care Cell |